Here you will find out about all of the amazing things we do in Reception.
Mrs Sutton Miss Worthy
Chestnut Class Teacher Beech Class Teacher
& Early Years Leader
Mrs Arnett Mrs Kennally Mrs Mason Miss Aslam
Higher Level Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant
Down on the Farm
We will begin this half term learning all about Pancake Day and reading Mr Wolf's Pancakes. We will make our own pancakes and find out about the different fairytale characters in the story.
We will then begin learning about life on the farm. Our visit to Swithen's Farm is Friday 10th March. We will learn all about the different farm animals and their babies.
Let's Celebrate
This half term we will be learning about and celebrating Halloween, Diwali, Bonfire Night and Christmas. We have also got lots of exciting events to look forward to including our Bedtime Stories Event, Teddy Bears Hospital Visit, Santa Express trip to Middleton Railway and Christmas Sing-Along.
This half term we are focussing on settling in to Reception.
We will be exploring our emotions through the story 'The Colour Monster'. We will be thinking about how each of our emotions makes us feel, why we might feel this way and finding ways to feel calm again.
Confused, Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Fear, Calm and Love
We use a phonics scheme called 'Little Wandle'.
We are holding a parents information session on Tuesday 4th October at 4.30pm to explain what phonics is, how it is taught using the scheme as well as how we teach early reading and writing. We will also discuss ways that you can help your child at home.
If you wish to contact us please do so on Class Dojo
Thank you.
Internet safety:
Adults please remember to keep an overview of your child’s internet / social media activity. Unless you have turned on privacy settings and parental controls, your child may be able to access inappropriate content or it may simply 'pop up' while your child is watching YouTube or on other sites. For older siblings, who may be allowed to use social media, there are also other dangers. Although there are many apps that allow live streaming and chat with friends, not all of them have an automatic “private mode”, and other, unknown people could be joining in chats. On our website e-safety page, we have all our newsletters, which take adults through many of the games and social media that our children have been using. Please help your children stay safe online.