If your child has SEND, you can expect Greenhill to put in place additional and different support for that need so your child has the best chance of success and to keep you informed about its impact.
Discuss with you your child's needs.
Usually the class teacher will arrange this but depending on the type and level of need, the SENDCo or Parent and Pupil Support Officer may discuss this with you.
Identify the need and put in place extra support.
This may be in the form of:
Or some other support.
Keep you informed about progress.
This could be through:
Ensure staff are trained in general SEND issues.
For example:
Teachers' expertise is in education and school will support general awareness of the many issues and disorders affecting education, e.g. medical, psychiatric, neurodevelopmental, emotional or physical, but rely on other professionals who specialise in these areas for guidance and support.
Monitor the impact of support for children with SEND.
We will ensure that the support in place is monitored so that its effectiveness can be identified. We will adapt and develop the support where it is not working as intended and will seek the advice and support of other agencies where necessary.